It is possible to mention parts 1-6 on the homepage of a website, placing the consent form below, and including parts 7-9 in a separate weblink.
Information sheet for research project:
Single European Sky: The Architecture of U-Space
1. Introduction
Participation in this research project is voluntary: the decision to take part is up to you. Before you decide to participate we would like to ask you to read the following information, so that you know what the research project is about, what we expect from you and how we deal with processing your personal data. Based on this information you can indicate via the consent declaration whether you consent to take part in this research project and the processing of your personal data.
You may of course always contact the researcher Simon Rabyniuk via, if you have any questions, or you can discuss this information with people you know.
2. Purpose of the research
This research project will be managed by Asst. Professor Sergio Figueiredo.
The purpose of this architectural historical and theoretical research project investigates the creation of U-Space in the European Union with the aim of discussing its social implications for urban life and spatial implications and wider cities and regions. Participant reflections gathered through interviews will help inform a dissertation about U-Space design and be dissemintated as articles.
3. Controller in the sense of the GDPR
TU/e is responsible for processing your personal data within the scope of the research.
The contact details of TU/e are:
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
De Groene Loper 3
5612 AE Eindhoven
4. What will taking part in the research project involve?
You will be taking part in a research project in which we will gather information by interviewing you:
Questions aim to foster a discussion about your role in U-Space research and design, your institution’s role, specific U-Space projects you are or have been involved with as well as broader reflections about U-Space’s planning and design process. The researcher requests permission to record the interview via audio and will make a transcript of the interview.
For your participation in this research project you will not be compensated.
5. Potential risks and inconveniences
Your participation in this research project does not involve any physical, legal or economic risks. You do not have to answer questions which you do not wish to answer. Your participation is voluntary. This means that you may end your participation at any moment you choose by letting the researcher know this. You do not have to explain why you decided to end your participation in the research project.
6. Withdrawing your consent and contact details
Participation in this research project is entirely voluntary. You may end your participation in the research project at any moment, or withdraw your consent to using your data for the research, without specifying any reason. Ending your participation will have no disadvantageous consequences for you.
If you decide to end your anticipation during the research, the data which you already provided up to the moment of withdrawal of your consent will be used in the research.
Do you wish to end the research, or do you have any questions and/or complaints? Then please contact the research manager Asst. Professor Sergio Figueiredo via
If you have specific questions about the handling of personal data you can direct these to the data protection officer of TU/e by sending a mail to Furthermore, you have the right to file a complaint with the Dutch data protection authority: the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens.
Finally, you have the right to request access, rectification, erasure or adaptation of your data. Submit your request via
[Optional[PT4] : if you would like more information about what personal data we process from you, click here.]
[PT1]In partnerships it might be required to mention the name(s)s of the collaboration partner(s). For this, please contact the data steward of your department.
[PT2]Here you should describe the research method briefly. In what way are the research data gathered?
Some examples of common methods have already been included. Select the method you use, or add any other methods you use in your research .
If you wish you can also give an example of the kind of questions which will be asked. Depending on the kind of research this section may be extended. Perhaps you use a GPS tracker, a questionnaire as well as observation. Distinguish the various research methods from each other and explain clearly what the idea is.
[PT3]Describe the potential risks and inconveniences that taking part in the research may involve. If there are none this must also be noted.
[PT4]It is possible to mention parts 1-6 on the homepage of a website, placing the consent form below, and including parts 7-9 in a separate weblink.